Curriculum Foundations

​Our program is built from our own chess experiences, as well as the learnings of our past and present students. But you don't need to be a grandmaster to learn chess basics, and teaching the basics is not our main goal. 

Rather, we believe the game of chess is a foundation for teaching life skills that kids will apply in many other disciplines – including computer science, mathematics, foreign languages etc.

We build upon the famous idea that chess is a pared-down model of life itself – and we use that model to teach your kids how to make decisions that will benefit them outside the chess board. 

Young girl smiling while sitting at a chess board

Curriculum Pillars

There are four major pillars to our curriculum: pure chess play, visualization of complex structures, asking the right questions, and practice makes perfect.

An icon of a chess knight piece.

Pure chess play

First and foremost, we are a chess workshop! As such, we teach kids the standard aspects of chess – rules, tactics, problem-solving, developing strategies. We use many techniques to make learning fun – including visualizations, games, logical and creative exercises. 

Furthermore, we believe that dynamic, interactive teaching with a variety of activities offers the most efficient learning environment to help kids thrive and progress at the right speed. 

An icon of a chess knight piece.

Practice makes perfect

A word of caution, though. "Practice makes perfect" still
applies! We do our best to give your children the necessary
skills. However, kids must still practice between sessions
for best results. That's why after each class, our coaches
will send out homework with additional instructions and
practice problems.

Homework is optional, but anyone who wants to progress
faster should use this opportunity to gain experience.

An icon of a chess knight piece.

Asking the right question

By far young players' biggest challenge is avoiding wishful thinking. When we ask, "Why did you make this move?", the answer is often "I wanted to." Chess is the perfect game to develop reasoning for your actions beyond the "want". 

We aim at changing the way kids think about problems and interactions. Before making a move, kids learn to think about consequences and evaluate alternatives using specific questions, e.g.,

  • “What does my opponent want to play next?”
  • “Are there other good moves except for the one I want to play?” 

By asking these questions, kids will learn how to analyze a problem and how to consider the worst-case scenario.

An icon of a chess knight piece.

Visualization of complex structures

What if your kid could play chess blindfolded – visualize
the chess board, make legal moves, and strategize without
even seeing the board? It's not just cool – it's much more
than that.

Kids who use their mind to manipulate complex structures
are at an advantage should they pursue highly competitive
fields like mathematics, programming, and other sciences.
That's because visualizing chess moves trains the mind to
develop complex algorithms.

Our experience shows that kids
who acquire these visualization skills early are more likely to
succeed in technical subjects when they are older.

The Four Knights Philosophy

The skills we teach are unique. They help kids become better chess players and prepare for academic and professional careers. And they will make your kids intellectually stronger, more confident, and ready to tackle any future challenge. 

If you have any questions about our curriculum, please feel free to send us a message – we will be happy to help you understand our program and help you make an informed decision.

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